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Topic 1: Identity

Activity One: warmer

1) Our first topic is "Identity": what does this mean to you?

2) Look at my little story and tell a partner what strikes you about it. (The images, the ideas, the experiences)

3) Choose three images you would include in a "steller story" about your own identity.

4) Share your ideas in the comments box at the bottom of this page.

Now it's Your Turn

If my identity story inspires you, why not create your own 'Steller Story' with your photos (only use your own).

Then you can share your story with us on the Photo Stories page of our blog and comment on each other's :-)


Remember that Steller has been created to use with your smartphone, so start by downloading the app onto your phone and then create your story. When you have finished you can share it, by adding a link to your comment.

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"I am a firm believer in communication and becoming an expert user of English . Being an English speaker opens doors to you right, left and centre and using the language efficiently puts you in touch with the rest of the world because English truly  can be the language of  opportunity."


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