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European English

European English is a site which has been designed to help you develop your English language skills outside the classroom. You can use the site independently of the work you do face to face, and you can do the activities alone or work with a friend... The possibilities are endless and depend only on you.


The site has different sections to work on different topics, each including language  work as well as discussions and space for reflection and the development of skills too.


Suggested Approach


1) Decide what you would like to work on: reading, discussion, listening, vocabulary etc.

2) Go to the relevant section and start work.


Skills: develop your reading and listening in a relaxed way.

Topics : to stimulate and

provide you with...

food for thought

Expression: reach new heights ...speaking and writing ...

Exams: getting ready for exams? Have a look here ...

Discussions: this is your blog space to do...whatever you want. Check it out.

© 2016 by Sharon Hartle. Proudly created with

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"I am a firm believer in communication and becoming an expert user of English . Being an English speaker opens doors to you right, left and centre and using the language efficiently puts you in touch with the rest of the world because English truly  can be the language of  opportunity."


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