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Exam Preparation

If you are preparing exams for school, the university or for professional reasons, this is a good place for you to start.


You will be able to see some of the exams that are available for English and which one is the right one for you.


Finally, you can do a test to see what your level is :-)

Available Exams

1) Do you need exams for yourself, because preparing an exam helps you to study more efficiently?

2) Do you need a qualification to help you at work, or to help you find a job?


If the answer to one of these questions is 'yes' perhaps the CambridgeESOL exams are the right ones for you. Follow the link below to do a quick level test to see which is the best exam for you. You will also find test preparation work to help you:




3) Would you like to study abroad or move to work in another country? First check with the university you are applying to. They will tell you what their language requirements are. Two well known qualifications for studying abroad are Ielts and the Toefl tests. (The Toefl is an American qualification so this is

the best one to do if you would like to go to the USA:


Ielts: This page will tell you everything you need to know and there are sample questions too.


Toefl: This page will tell you all about TOEFL and it also provides sample exam practice.


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"I am a firm believer in communication and becoming an expert user of English . Being an English speaker opens doors to you right, left and centre and using the language efficiently puts you in touch with the rest of the world because English truly  can be the language of  opportunity."


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